Megaman X4 – Zero Skills


A video about Zero’s skills in MMX4.He doesnt have any other armor than his crimson red one, but he has unique techniques that can be combinated in many different ways.The only skill that comsumes any energy is his giga attack, but thats better to use in very close situations (and on owl, cuz its his weakness).I also included a small rapidslash into the vid (repeating dash+slash fast).

Quý khách hãy đăng ký để nhận Khuyến Mãi bên dưới của nhà cái Fi88


Zero’s skills:
-Rakuhouha (the energy blast after hitting the ground)
-Raijingeki (the lightningblade)
-Ryuenjin (the flameblade)
-Hyouretsuzan (the iceblade)
-Kuuenbu (double jump + rollingslash in air)
-Hienkyaku (airdash)
-Tenkuuha (bulletdestroying purple blade)
-Shippuuga (dashing slash)

Sorry for the lack of sound, it was annoying to listen to that sloooooooow motion (believe me = =…it really was).

Quý khách hãy đăng ký để nhận Khuyến Mãi bên dưới của nhà cái Fi88


Btw, a small p.s.: i play better , all those hits layed on me were because i was concentrating on the skills, not the enemies (at some parts at least).

Tag: cách chơi zero trong rockman x4, Megaman, Rockman, X4, Zero, skills

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